Importance Of Kindness – Speech –

Hello I am Jessie and I am going to be talking about the importance of kindness!


Acts of kindness have the potential to make the world a happier place. An act of kindness can boost feelings of confidence, being in control, happiness and optimism. People may also encourage others to repeat the good deeds they’ve experienced themselves – contributing to a more positive community.


If you do not know what kindness is then kindness is basically being polite, compassionate and thoughtful! 


Every religion and faith teaches its followers to be kind. Most importantly, kindness must not limit to humans but also to every living creature. Even nature has its own way of showing kindness. 


So if you think you haven’t been showing kindness towards your family, friends or teachers then go to them and say sorry and that you were wrong about all the mean things you said to them.🙃


Thank you for listening to my speech!🗨️




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